Sunday, July 6, 2008

C Sharp Interview Questions: Access Modifiers

Questions involving C# Access Modifier keywords.

1. Describe how the keyword "internal" affects access.
Answer: can only be accessed from the same assembly

2. Describe how the keyword "private" affects access.
Answer: can only be accessed from same class or structure

3. Describe how the keyword "protected" affects access.
Answer: can only be accessed from the class where it is declared or a derived class

4. Describe how the keyword "public" affects access.
Answer: No Restriction

5. Can multiple access modifiers be used on a member or type.
Answer: Only the combination "protected internal" is allowed

6. What is the default accessibility of an enum?
Answer: public

7. What is the default accessibility of an interface?
Answer: public

8. What is the default accessibility of a class ?
Answer: private

9. What is the default accessibility of an struct?
Answer: private

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